Make sure you report examples to get edited or to not be shown. Rude or colloquial translations tend to be marked in purple or orange. �?還有代抽,付錢給人幫你抽抽不到還是要給他錢⋯傻子的錢真好�? ・ω・) 如果系統還是不聽話,請您聯繫客服中心,客服人員會替您解決問題(•ᴗ�?�
Make sure you report examples to get edited or to not be shown. Rude or colloquial translations tend to be marked in purple or orange. �?還有代抽,付錢給人幫你抽抽不到還是要給他錢⋯傻子的錢真好�? ・ω・) 如果系統還是不聽話,請您聯繫客服中心,客服人員會替您解決問題(•ᴗ�?�